Property in Beautiful Garden with ample space

Sold Court Oak Road, Birmingham B17 9AD GB Sold Subject to Contract £295,000

Terraced Sold Subject to Contract -

Court Oak Road, Birmingham, B17 9AD

Wonderful 2 bedroom character home

Extended kitchen with skylight

Beautiful Garden with ample space

Neutral modern design

Character features

Low-maintenance front garden

Overlooking Queens Park

Close proximity to outstanding schools

Current Wheats Avenue, Harborne Birmingham B17 0RH GB £460,000

Detached - Harborne

Wheats Avenue, Harborne, Birmingham, B17 0RH

Detached 3-bedroom home

Located in quiet & desirable location

Beautiful Garden with ample space.

French doors leading to garden

Spacious open-plan living areas

Easy access to transport links

Close proximity to good schools

Accessible local amenities