Property in Spacious throughout

Current Holly Road, Edgbaston Birmingham B16 9NL GB £275,000

Apartment - Edgbaston

Holly Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B16 9NL

Two double bedrooms

Desirable location

Beautifully presented

Modern fixtures and fittings

Convenient to bus & motorway routes

Spacious throughout

Large garage for storage

External CCTV (3 cameras)

Sold Regent Road, Harborne Birmingham B17 9JU GB Sold Subject to Contract £495,000

Mid Terrace Sold Subject to Contract - Harborne

Regent Road, Harborne, Birmingham, B17 9JU

Four bedrooms, spacious throughout

Desirable location in central Harborne

Beautifully presented throughout

A short walk to High Street amenities

Convenient for Queen Elizabeth hospital

Peaceful and tranquil rear garden

Convenient for University of Birmingham

Well located for school catchments

Sold May Lane, Kings Heath Birmingham B14 4AQ GB Sold Subject to Contract £280,000

Mid Terrace Sold Subject to Contract - Kings Heath

May Lane, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B14 4AQ

Two bedrooms

Desirable location

Beautifully presented

Well positioned for local amenities

Peaceful rear garden

Spacious throughout


Current Northfield Road, Harborne Birmingham B17 0TA GB £350,000

Semi-Detached - Harborne

Northfield Road, Harborne, Birmingham, B17 0TA

3 bedroom extended semi detached home

Excellent position with parking options

Spacious throughout

Recently extended utility

Close by to all Harborne amenities

Convenient for Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Nearby to wonderful parkland

Current Melville Road, Edgbaston Birmingham B16 9LN GB £480,000

Terraced - Edgbaston

Melville Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B16 9LN

Beautiful 5 bedroom character home

Spacious throughout

Excellent position on quiet road

Includes a southerly garden

Well placed for central amenities

Convenient for local hospitals

Nearby to local transport links